All plastics, including UPVC and PVC, fade over time due to weathering and the effects of ultraviolet light. After about 20 years, UPVC deteriorates and needs replacing or protection. Your once gleaming white frames will soon become dull and dirty, colours fade and begin to look tired.
UPVC painting can add at least ten years to the life of your windows and doors. Some sources suggest that UPVC spray painting could extend the life of your frames by up to thirty years!
The spray paint is specially designed to dry quickly and cure within 24 hours. Rembrandts Spray UPVC painting specialists will cause minimum inconvenience and get the job done swiftly and efficiently.
If you fancy a change from the norm, check out the available colour schemes and find the perfect colour for your home. You can easily add character and sophistication (and value) to your house instantly, whether you're looking for a contemporary style or a more classic feel.
Seriously, the results must be seen to be believed. The transformation from old, discoloured UPVC to gleaming new frames is astonishing. It's no exaggeration to say that they look better than the original frames, especially if you choose a different colour.
As well as protecting the surfaces from the adverse effects of weather and ultraviolet light, UPVC paint provides a durable shield against chips and dents that spoil the look. This paint comes with a 15-year guarantee, but is bound to last well beyond this.
UPVC spray painting is significantly cheaper than replacing windows and doors, making it an attractive option for everyone trying to save money in these difficult times. On average, you can save around 80% on the cost of new windows and doors.
It's fair to say that the benefits of UPVC spraying are considerable, and it's easy to see why so many people are choosing this method. The transformation is so good that it could even push up the value of your home.